Our Gift FoR You

Electrical Construction Documents Check List - Get your Construction Permit on the first try!
In our practice we have witnessed the frustration from customers whose projects have been stuck in the city building department for months, only to be rejected due to incomplete or inconsistent construction documents. They have come to us in a rush for a “good fix”. Fortunately, we have been able to help them by correcting, completing the design, answering city comments, and in some cases, by totally overtaking the engineering supervision role of the electrical design phase.
The gift consists of a check list based on our extensive experience designing and/or supervising the design of hundreds of telecom sites for all the major US cellular phone carriers. The check list highlights the most common comments that we have seen coming from the city plan reviewers. These items are applicable to building and infrastructure projects as well.
If you would like the checklist, send us an email with this note: Gimme the freebie! To: [email protected]